
What’s happening now? Your Guide to Trending Topics on Twitter India

Twitter is a dynamic platform, constantly buzzing with conversations about everything under the sun. India, with its diverse population and vibrant online community, is no exception. Hashtags are the lifeblood of these discussions, allowing users to discover trending topics and participate in larger conversations. But with so much happening, keeping up with what’s trending on Twitter in India can feel overwhelming. Fear not! This guide will equip you to navigate the ever-changing Twitter landscape.

Decoding the #: A Look at Trending Hashtags

Hashtags categorise tweets by topic, making it easy to find what’s generating the most buzz. Trending hashtags on Twitter in India typically fall into several categories:

  • Current Events and Social Issues: From political discussions (#CAAProtest) to social movements (#FarmersProtest), trending hashtags often reflect what’s happening in the real world.

  • Entertainment Buzz: Bollywood blockbusters, award shows, or celebrity controversies can spark trending hashtags like #KGFChapter2 or #SalmanKhan, keeping you updated on the latest entertainment news.

  • Sports Mania: Cricket, the heartthrob of Indian sports, reigns supreme on Twitter. Expect hashtags like #IPL or a player’s name to dominate feeds during matches or major tournaments. Other sports like kabaddi or hockey can also generate trending hashtags during key events.

  • Festivals and Celebrations: #Diwali, #Holi, #GaneshChaturthi—these trending hashtags paint a vibrant picture of India’s diverse and joyous festivals.

  • Viral Content and Challenges: From hilarious videos (#PawriHoRahiHai) to dance challenges (#BussinessProposal), the internet thrives on virality. These fleeting trends can take Twitter by storm, making you laugh or participate in the fun.

  • Regional Languages and Trends: #TamilNadu or #BengaluruRains—trending hashtags in regional languages showcase the rich tapestry of India. These hashtags reflect local conversations and interests, offering a glimpse beyond national topics.

  • Public Discourse and Opinion Sharing: Twitter empowers public discourse. Hashtags like #BoycottThisBrand or #SupportSmallBusiness are used to express opinions on current affairs, social issues, or even product reviews.

Following the Trends: Tools and Tips

Staying updated on trending topics is easy! Here are some helpful tools:

  • Twitter Trending Hashtags: Twitter itself displays trending hashtags on the left-hand side of your homepage.

Tips for Engaging with Trends:

  • Join the Conversation: Include the relevant hashtag in your tweet to participate in the discussion.

  • Be Respectful: Remember, online discussions thrive on respectful communication. Contribute meaningfully and avoid negativity.

  • Add your voice: Don’t just follow the trends! Use trending hashtags to share your unique perspective and insights.


By understanding the different categories of trending hashtags and utilising the available tools, you can navigate the dynamic world of Twitter in India with ease. So, the next time you log in, take a moment to explore the trending topics. You might discover a new conversation, learn about a breaking news story, or simply connect with like-minded individuals. After all, that’s the beauty of Twitter—a platform where everyone has a voice and the potential to be part of something bigger.


  • Why do some hashtags trend in India but not globally?

Hashtags often reflect local conversations and interests. Events or topics specific to India might not necessarily be trending globally.

  • How can I participate in trending hashtag discussions?

Include the relevant hashtag in your tweet to join the conversation. Remember to be respectful and contribute meaningfully to the discussion.

  • Where can I find a list of all the trending hashtags on Twitter India?

While there isn’t a single source for all trending hashtags, Twitter itself displays trending topics.

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