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Some Tips For Planning Your Home Renovation

As our homes grow older, they sometimes need a bit more than maintenance, and in some cases, they need a major renovation. This is an exciting project for the homeowner, almost as exciting as the initial construction was, but there are also some pitfalls to be wary of. Before you begin your renovation plan, consider the following tips:

  • To DIY or Not to DIY: For many of us, a home renovation is a great opportunity to save some money while having the chance to play around with that toolbox that’s been gathering dust out in the garage. If you are sure you know what you are doing, by all means, have at it, but if you are winging it there may come a day when you regret not hiring the expert carpenters in Central Coast to come do it right from the get-go! A botched DIY job can end up costing even more than hiring a pro, so think carefully about how much you want to bite off and how much you can chew!
  • Make A Plan – It’s vital that before a single nail is pounded down that you make a detailed plan of the project to work from. This way, you, and whoever you do end up hiring to contribute, are all on the same page and know exactly what the steps are going to be from Day 1! And, while a plan is crucial to success, you must also be aware that everything isn’t going to go exactly as planned all the way through, there are bound to be glitches! It’s always a good idea to have a backup plan in place, just in case! Also, be sure to plan for your materials and their safe storage during the project, Every unexpected trip to the Home Centre to pick up something is going to set you back financially and play havoc with your schedule, so think ahead and be prepared!
  • Changes – Regarding that plan, there are always bound to be a few changes along the way, whether they be of the heart or by necessity! The thing is, the fewer changes there are, the smoother things are going to go. A major change can cost you major money as well as lost time, and while moving a light socket here and a water tap there may seem like small change at first, they add up fast! 
  • Peripherals – They say the devil is in the details, and they are on to something because if you don’t have those details squared away, there’s going to be hell to pay! It’s fun to plan your grand oak staircase, but what about the handrails? Your new roof is going to be gorgeous with those ceramic tiles, but did you remember to order the gutters? I know it sounds like we are harping on this whole planning thing, but when you are doing a big home renovation, it’s important to make sure you have thought of everything, maybe twice!
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The Australian Government has some rules regarding home renovations, so check here for more information. We hope this article helps ensure your home’s new look and feel turn out fantastic!

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